Saturday, October 13, 2007


Depending on where u live, the peoples defenition of cold is different. Florida its cold when its 60 degreese. In Texas its cold when its 50 degreese. In Alaska its cold when its 0 degreese. In Iraq, its cold when its in the 80's.
Thier is numbing cold, where its so cold outside, its best to stay inside. The temperature is zero and below, with and ungodly windchill. This is the weather you better cover most of your skin because its going to get frost bitten in 3 minutes.
Thier is chilli, where its cold enuff to get the shivers. The weather might be in the twenties, but the wind is the one that gets you. A hooded sweater, and a coat usually is good enough to wear in these conditions.
Then thiers warm, cold... Where the thermometer reads in the 80's. Any other northerner would say this is hot, but its cold because your were subject to, 110-150 degree weather that day. A 50 degree drop in temperature anywhere would be considered cold.
The cold, sucks really. But I would rather be cold then hot. When its cold at least I could put more clothes on to stay warmer. But thiers only so much clothes u could take off when it gets to hot. I would rather, shiver in cold, then to sweat, and feel miserable in the heat.

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